When refunding orders in Etsy, Shopify or Woocommerce, the refund will NOT show up in Templett. You'll need to refund the customer, in both, the selling platform where the order was placed AND in Templett. This action will remove the customer's access to the purchased templates.
When you process a refund in Templett, the templates associated with that order will be removed from your customer’s account. Additionally, your Templett billing account will be credited the fees for that order.
Refunding an Order
- Click the order details button for the order that you would like to view.
- On the Order Details page, click the refund button for the items you’d like to refund.
Any orders that are outside of the refund window, will not show the refund button on the Order Details page.
You have 30 days from the purchase date to refund an order and receive credit for the fees (associated with that order) in Templett. Any order past 30 days will not be refundable.
Note: If you have processed a refund in Etsy that is past 30 days old, you will have to manually remove the templates from your customer’s account.
Any refund fee credits will show up on your next billing statement.
There are cases when you may need to refund your customer, but still allow them to have access to their template. In this case, refund only in the selling platform where the order was placed.