Sometimes you will have a customer that has made too many changes to their template to undo and they’ve saved those changes or they are just unhappy with the way their template turned out and want to start from scratch again. Because of this, we’ve added a “Revert” feature. This feature lets you, as a seller, revert your customer’s templates back to the original state it was in when they purchased it.
You also have the option in the main settings to allow your customers to revert templates themselves.
How to revert a template back to it’s original state
Visit the user details page in the back end for the customer. In the templates table in the "Actions" column, click the revert button for the template that needs to be reverted back to its original state.
Please note, this cannot be undone. Once the template is back to it’s original state, it’s the same as when the customer purchased it. There is no way to get back any previous changes.