First, you can View the User Details.
To manage your customers, navigate to the Admin area and go to your Orders. You’ll see a list of all your orders including the order ID, name, email address, the number of items purchased, date of transaction and the order total.
You have two options at this point. You can click the customer name that you want to manage to view the user details or click the magnifying glass icon to view the order details.
Next, you can view the User Details Page.
When on the user details page, you’ll see the user's orders and templates. You can also view the user's logs and more.
In the Templates tab, you can take actions to revert the template back to its original state or delete it from their account altogether. Once deleted, you will have an option to restore it if needed. There will be times when your customer accidentally deletes the template on their end and will ask you to restore it. In addition, if you set an expiration date for your template, you'll have the option to restore it once it has expired.
Learn how to revert templates back to their original state
Learn how to restore a deleted or expired template
Then, you can View the User Logs.
Sometimes it’s helpful to view the user logs when troubleshooting your customer’s account. This will tell you when their access link was sent, what browser they used, how many times they logged into their account, how they downloaded the file, how many times they downloaded it, when they changed their password, if you reverted it, and so on… with the date and time stamp. It helps to know exactly what has happened so you can help any customer experiencing issues with their account.
In addition, you can use the Design As User Feature.
You have the ability to design as your customer. This means you can see the design area very similarly to how your customer sees it. You can see their templates and make changes, which makes helping them so much easier. Simply save the work you did, directly in their account. To see the changes take effect, ask them to reload their template when you're done. That's it!
You can easily switch between customer and designer view by clicking the profile dropdown in the top right corner and toggling the switch. You can go back to the user details by clicking the paint palette icon and selecting, “Back to User Details.”
Following that, you can Grant Access to Templates.
Sometimes you may need to give your customer access to a template. You can do this by clicking the “plus” button at the top left, between the "User Logs" and "Design as User" buttons. Choose the template you’d like to give them access to by scrolling through what you see or type the name in the search bar and click the image you want. Select the blue “Save” button at the bottom of that window when you’re through. You’re only be able to add one template to their account at a time.
Learn how to grant access to templates
Last, you have the Order Details Page.
On the order details page, you'll see the details of the order. If the order was placed within 30 days, you'll also have the option to refund the order. When refunding an order, the templates associated with that order will be deleted from the customer account. If 30 days have already passed, you will no longer have the option to refund the order.