Setup WooCommerce to Work with Templett
First, be sure you are using the latest version of WordPress along with the latest version of WooCommerce. Also, be sure you have enabled "pretty" permalinks in Wordpress. It also helps to make sure you are using PHP 7 or later. You may need to contact your host to confirm this.
First, Create API Keys in WooCommerce
- Log in to your WordPress site and navigate to the wooCommerce settings page: WooCommerce > Settings
- Click the API tab at the top
- Check the box that reads: “Enable the REST API” and click Save Changes
- Click the Keys/Apps link at the top below the tabs
- Click the “Add Key” button
- Type a description for the key (Templett), set a user for the key (your user account), and give permission to Read/Write
- Click the “Generate API Key” button
Copy the Consumer key and Consumer secret in a safe place or just open Templett is a new tab in your browser. You’ll need to enter these keys in Templett. Please note, you won’t be able to see these keys again once you close the page dialog box.
Setup Templett to Work with WooCommerce
Now log into Templett and navigate to Admin > Settings > Integrations
- Click the “Integrate a Shop” button and choose WooCommerce
- Enter a name for your shop
- Enter the domain name of your shop (only enter the domain part - i.e.
- Paste the Consumer key in the correct field
- Paste the Consumer secret in the correct field
- Click the “Add Shop” button
We’ll test the API key and if the connection is successful, you’ll be all set.
Template id’s in Product Descriptions
Be sure to put the template id’s in the product descriptions. If you do not put the template id’s in the product description, Templett will disregard the order and your customer will not get access to their purchased templates. Please see this article for more information.
You’re all set. Create a test order in Woocommerce to make sure everything works properly. If the order isn’t pulled into Templett, go over the steps again carefully to make sure you didn’t miss anything. When creating a test order, use an account with a different email address than your seller account in Templett to avoid any conflicts.
If you've followed the instructions and you're sure that everything is set up correctly but you still cannot get an order to show up in Templett, there could be a plugin or theme that is conflicting with the webhook process. To test if there is a conflict, disable all of your plugins (except woocommerce) and try to create an order again. If it shows up in Templett, that means one of your plugins is causing a conflict. You can re-enable your plugins one by one and test an order each time to find the plugin that is causing the conflict. If no plugins are causing any conflicts, try switching to the default Wordpress theme and test an order again. If the order shows up in Templett, you know your theme is causing the conflict. If you've disabled your plugins and switched to the default theme and you still cannot get an order to show up in Templett, please contact us and we'll help you troubleshoot the issue. Please do not contact us until you have first tried troubleshooting yourself.