JPEG portion of video begins at 2:34 and ends at 3:35.
When to use JPEG
Use the JPEG format when you are getting your designs printed with an online printer or any traditional print shop. The reason you'll want to do this is mostly due to the bleed and the requirements of the printers. You typically will not want to use JPEG when printing at home.
Ask the printer beforehand if they require bleed. If they do, you can choose that option when downloading the JPEG format.
JPEG options
The only option for JPEG is bleed.
The bleed is an extra 1/8" revealed around the entire perimeter of your design. This is to allow the printer to cut the design to the final size and get the best result.
It's important to understand that the bleed is an 1/8" revealed not added around the perimeter of the design. That means that we are showing anything in that area that is on the template. Any background or other design elements in this area are critical to making sure the bleed works correctly.
When bleed is added, a 5"x7" template becomes 5 1/4" x 7 1/4" in size. This allows the printer to print and cut the template down to the original size (5"x7" in this case) and get the best result without showing any kind of white space on the paper. All printers have a margin of error when cutting and that's why bleed is so important for printers.
Be sure if you are going to use the bleed option that any background or design elements remain in the bleed area. The bleed area should not be blank white if you have a background or design on the rest of the template.
Where are my files downloaded to on my computer?
All files downloaded from Templett will go to your default downloads folder on your computer. Alternately, most browsers will also show the downloaded files at the bottom of the browser window.
Files you've downloaded are automatically saved in the Downloads folder. This folder is usually located on the drive where Windows is installed (for example, C:\users\your name\downloads).
In recent versions of Mac OSX, the downloads folder can be accessed right from the Dock located at the bottom of your screen. Alternately, from the Finder, click Go from the menu bar and select Downloads. If you don't see a Downloads option under the Go menu, click Home. The downloads folder should also be visible in your Home folder.
If you still cannot find where the file has downloaded, you can do a search on your computer for "templett" since all files downloaded with have that in the filename.